Whip It! Whip it Good…Blueberries with Maple Whipped Cream

Blueberries Maple Whipped Cream 1When you think of summer what food comes to mind?  Watermelon? Ripe tomatoes? Sweet corn?  Mostly I think of fresh, ripe fruit and vegetables.  I also think of wandering around the Farmers’ Markets and seeing all the fresh fruit and veggies. Ah…summer. Continue reading “Whip It! Whip it Good…Blueberries with Maple Whipped Cream”

Cherry Clafouti…Gesundheit

Cherry Clafoutis
Cherry Clafoutis

Clafoutis definition:  Baked French dessert of fruit, traditionally black cherries, arranged in a buttered dish, and covered with a thick flan-like batter. The Clafoutis is dusted with powdered sugar, served warm and sometimes served with cream.

Gesundheit: used to wish good health, especially to one who has just sneezed.

I have made Clafoutis before, but with peaches or berries, which I guess isn’t really, technically, a clafoutis.  I also read somewhere that traditional Clafoutis are made with the pits still in the cherries.  When I discovered that we had no cherry pitter in the house and I couldn’t find one in a couple of stores I looked in, I felt like leaving the pits in.

Continue reading “Cherry Clafouti…Gesundheit”

Peachy Keen! It’s a Peach and Thyme Tart with Great Gatsby on the side.

Peach and Thyme Polenta Tart
Peach and Thyme Polenta Tart

I mentioned last post that a friend of my youngest son had brought us about 12 luscious peaches.  We quickly put them to good use.  The first meal was a peach salad with thyme and blue cheese and steak and pecans.  It was delicious.

Yes!Chef! said we had to make a dessert with some of the peaches, so I found a very interesting tart from the same link I gave in the last post.  This recipe looked so interesting, that I couldn’t resist.  And I still had peaches left over.

Continue reading “Peachy Keen! It’s a Peach and Thyme Tart with Great Gatsby on the side.”

Strawberries, Basil, Ice Cream with a Roasted Cracker Crumble?

Basil Strawberries with either Vanilla Bean Ice Cream or Salted Caramel Gelato and a roasted butter cracker/brown sugar/almond crumble
Basil Strawberries with either Vanilla Bean Ice Cream or Salted Caramel Gelato and a roasted butter cracker/brown sugar/almond crumble

Berries are a good way to celebrate summer.  Ice Cream always says summer.  Add summertime Basil and you can make yourself a yummy summertime dessert that encompasses all three flavors plus a surprise crumble on top.   I mean, seriously, how can you resist this?

Continue reading “Strawberries, Basil, Ice Cream with a Roasted Cracker Crumble?”

Ice Cream Sandwiches where Homemade Ice Cream meets Brownie meets Roasted Soda Crackers meets Angora Ridge

Homemade ice cream sandwich
Homemade ice cream sandwich

Last year when I was in the throes of looking for perfect homemade ice cream recipes, I found a couple of recipes for Ice Cream Sandwiches that I thought would be fun to make.  Well, time moves along, and next thing I knew it was this summer.  Then there was the wedding and now we are remodeling a mid-century modern home.  After the wedding we decided to take a few days (in my case more than a few days) relaxing in Lake Tahoe.  I was able to pull out some of my summertime recipes that I had saved on Pinterest. I ran across a very unusual ice cream sandwich recipe by The Baking Bird.  It’s called Saltine Brownie & Bourbon Ice Cream Sandwiches.  I like recipes that sound unique and use surprising ingredients.  This recipe had several things that I thought were unique to an ice cream sandwich recipe…roasted saltine crackers, brownies and bourbon ice cream that is not made in the ice cream maker.

Continue reading “Ice Cream Sandwiches where Homemade Ice Cream meets Brownie meets Roasted Soda Crackers meets Angora Ridge”

Give your loved ones a poke…Chocolate Mint Poke Cake, that is.

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Do you have childhood memories of Poke Cake?  I used to make Poke Cake for my kids when they were small, mostly because it was easy and they loved it.  Sometimes I made it with Jello, but mostly I made it with pudding and Cool Whip topping. My youngest (who just turned 20) does not ever remember me making a poke cake.  He only remembers cupcakes.

This is not a poke cake
This is not a poke cake

Continue reading “Give your loved ones a poke…Chocolate Mint Poke Cake, that is.”