Cool as a (Stuffed) Cucumber…Blue Cheese Dip Stuffed Cucumbers

Blue Cheese Stuffed Cucumbers with Smoked Sun Dried Tomatoes
Blue Cheese Stuffed Cucumbers with Smoked Sun Dried Tomatoes

Appetizers for Low Carbers or Gluten Free-ers or just hungry people

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Who left the shrimp feet in the Brazilian Shrimp and Andouille Sausage Stew?

Close up of Brazilian Shrimp and Andouille Stew
Close up of Brazilian Shrimp and Andouille Stew

Now, here’s a recipe that can be made quickly and is great for a weeknight autumn evening.  Satisfying, spicy, shrimpy and delicious. But, don’t forget to remove the shells from the shrimp.

Continue reading “Who left the shrimp feet in the Brazilian Shrimp and Andouille Sausage Stew?”

Salmon Two Ways or Whenever I see an orange fish I always think of Nemo.

Salmon Two Ways
Salmon Two Ways

Orange fish is one of my favorite fish to eat.

But, don’t worry, this post is not about eating Clown Fish…or even goldfish.

Orange Fish Two Ways
Orange Fish Two Ways

I found this photo on Facebook, but I do not know who to credit.  Here’s a link:  Fish Face

Continue reading “Salmon Two Ways or Whenever I see an orange fish I always think of Nemo.”

A lot of roasting and a little boasting

Food Stories Winner for July, 2012

First, a little boasting.  We were notified on Friday that our blog was the July winner of “Food Stories Award for Excellence in Story Telling“. Back in May, 2012, I wrote a blog post that we had been nominated by Pop the Bubbly for the Illuminating Blogger Award.  I was quite excited (so was Yes!Chef!) because this award is not just about blogging recipes or showing pretty pictures of food.  It is about telling stories and not necessarily just about food.  I am all about telling stories…Just ask my children.

I checked out the competition several times since I was nominated, and they are a great group of bloggers.  In fact, I spent quite a bit of time perusing some of the entries.  But then, life got in the way and I kind of forgot about it until we got the notification on Friday morning that we had won.  Now, I can say:  Winner! Winner! Chicken Dinner!  Hazaah!

Leaping for Joy

Continue reading “A lot of roasting and a little boasting”

Gazpacho with Cornbread Croutons or Everyone says Toe-may-toe…nobody says Toe-mah-toe

Gazpacho with Corn Bread Croutons

There are two things I look forward to in the summertime:  Farmers Markets and Great Tasting Tomatoes.  It seems like I can’t seem to get enough of either.  I try to go to the Farmers Market as often as possible and I can’t  resist the tomatoes (both buying them and taking pictures of them.)  So it’s natural that I would make Gazpacho with them. Well, maybe it would not be natural to anyone else, but it was natural to me.

Continue reading “Gazpacho with Cornbread Croutons or Everyone says Toe-may-toe…nobody says Toe-mah-toe”

Chicken Gyros or Where can a nice girl like me find Greek Yogurt Around here?

I generally enjoy living out in the country, however, we do live 25 minutes from the nearest town and, more importantly, major grocery store.  So, I have to plan carefully whenever I decide to coerce Yes! Chef! into cooking something for me.  My youngest son works at Safeway in Placerville, so when I drop him off for work and I have planned appropriately, I can pick up what I need.  I can’t just run into town every day because it is too expensive gas-wise and too time consuming.

What does this have to do with Chicken Gyros, I hear someone ask.  Well, I think I might have mentioned in some earlier blog posts that I have been enjoying taking a Photography for Food Bloggers course over at taught by Ron Goldman and Lara Ferroni.  (Quite the high-powered duo, I know, right?)  And this blog is my final assignment.  I must say that I’m a little apprehensive about doing this post, but I will plow ahead anyway.

Continue reading “Chicken Gyros or Where can a nice girl like me find Greek Yogurt Around here?”