Adventures in Napa and Sonoma or Happy Anniversary to Us. Day 1, Part II

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For Day1, Part I go here.

We had planned to stop at R+D Kitchen for lunch as part of our itinerary.  We had been here a couple of times before and we liked it so much that we wanted to go again. Plus, our next appointment was at 2:00 and it was within 10 minutes from the restaurant.

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With Much Love and Strawberries

Marinated Strawberry Salad with arugula, Fennel and Pepitas
Marinated Strawberry Salad with arugula, Fennel and Pepitas

I think love and strawberries go together.  After all, you can dip strawberries in chocolate, or drop them into champagne, or slice them up and serve with ice cream drizzled with chocolate.  All of these are romantic and put you in the mind for love.  And between Yes!Chef! and myself, we have been making quite a few strawberry recipes lately.

Continue reading “With Much Love and Strawberries”

Food Photography is Still Hard but then along came “Learn Food Photography”

Cheese and Crackers and Pickles
Cheese and Crackers and Pickles

There’s certainly a ton of food blogs out in the blog-o-sphere and our blog, We Call Him Yes!Chef!,  is one amongst millions.  People are always interested in good recipes that they can try at home or with guests.  And then they want to share their recipes or restaurant experiences with their friends on the blog.  The best way to do that is with a photo.  However, in some cases, it might not be the best way to share your food if the photo is all dark and blurry and weirdly colored.

Continue reading “Food Photography is Still Hard but then along came “Learn Food Photography””

Mexican Sweet Mini Pepper Poppers (Say that three times fast?)…Toy boat, toy boat, toy boat…

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We are excited to celebrate the Super Bowl this weekend because

1.  Finally my NINERS have made it back to the bowl!!!

And, 2.  some friends of ours have asked us to come down to their beautiful home in Sacramento and spend the weekend (pictures to follow.)

Continue reading “Mexican Sweet Mini Pepper Poppers (Say that three times fast?)…Toy boat, toy boat, toy boat…”

Steak Tacos with Pickled Red Onions or Eating at home with Friends!

***UPDATE on motto:  So we had a little dust-up with our new (and I thought original) motto:  “Love people.  Cook them tasty food.”  That motto actually belongs to Penzy spices.  I’m so sorry that we used it.  When I told Yes!Chef! about it and asked him for a new motto, the first words out of his mouth were, “because life is too short to eat crappy food.”  Well, that is true.  I cleaned it up a little and rewrote it on the chalkboard until I can think of something else that may be a little less…ummm…blunt.  If you can think of anything, leave me a comment.  Again, I apologize to Penzy Spices.

It was Yes!Chef!’s and my anniversary on Tuesday.  Y!C! invited me out to dinner to celebrate.   We don’t go out to dinner much (usually on our anniversary and my birthday), so this was a real treat.  We headed to Placerville to a little restaurant called The Luna Cafe. It’s a small cafe tucked away in downtown Placerville.  We walked in and were warmly greeted by the owner.  There were several other couples there but because it was a Tuesday night, the place was not full.  We had a great time and met several other couples in the restaurant who were also celebrating their anniversaries.  The hospitality of the owner was wonderful and the food was more than plentiful.

Continue reading “Steak Tacos with Pickled Red Onions or Eating at home with Friends!”

Lunch at Cafe Rolle or I’m not a restaurant critic but I know what’s good!

“How about a lunch date?” my friend, Pam, asked me the other day via email.  I’m always up for getting together with her, so we met yesterday at a little French cafe called Cafe Rolle in Sacramento, CA.  It’s located in one of my favorite parts of Sacramento.

Continue reading “Lunch at Cafe Rolle or I’m not a restaurant critic but I know what’s good!”