Mulligatawny Soup with Apple/ Mango Salsa. It calms the soul in times of stress.

Mulligatawny Soup with condiments
Mulligatawny Soup with condiments

And so my favorite season started on September 23.  Well, my favorite season after the Christmas season.  But fall makes me happy.  I love the beauty of the changing colors, clouds in the sky, fires in the fireplace and sweaters.  Here in the Sierras, we also look forward to the rain.

Continue reading “Mulligatawny Soup with Apple/ Mango Salsa. It calms the soul in times of stress.”

Deck The Halls Holiday Home Tours Part I Plus bonus Scotch Shortbread

Merry Christmas from the Schmautzhaus
Merry Christmas from the Schmautzhaus

Welcome to the first annual (hopefully there will be more) “We Call Him Yes!Chef!” Virtual Holiday Home Tour.

Continue reading “Deck The Halls Holiday Home Tours Part I Plus bonus Scotch Shortbread”

Who left the shrimp feet in the Brazilian Shrimp and Andouille Sausage Stew?

Close up of Brazilian Shrimp and Andouille Stew
Close up of Brazilian Shrimp and Andouille Stew

Now, here’s a recipe that can be made quickly and is great for a weeknight autumn evening.  Satisfying, spicy, shrimpy and delicious. But, don’t forget to remove the shells from the shrimp.

Continue reading “Who left the shrimp feet in the Brazilian Shrimp and Andouille Sausage Stew?”

Ice Cream Sandwiches where Homemade Ice Cream meets Brownie meets Roasted Soda Crackers meets Angora Ridge

Homemade ice cream sandwich
Homemade ice cream sandwich

Last year when I was in the throes of looking for perfect homemade ice cream recipes, I found a couple of recipes for Ice Cream Sandwiches that I thought would be fun to make.  Well, time moves along, and next thing I knew it was this summer.  Then there was the wedding and now we are remodeling a mid-century modern home.  After the wedding we decided to take a few days (in my case more than a few days) relaxing in Lake Tahoe.  I was able to pull out some of my summertime recipes that I had saved on Pinterest. I ran across a very unusual ice cream sandwich recipe by The Baking Bird.  It’s called Saltine Brownie & Bourbon Ice Cream Sandwiches.  I like recipes that sound unique and use surprising ingredients.  This recipe had several things that I thought were unique to an ice cream sandwich recipe…roasted saltine crackers, brownies and bourbon ice cream that is not made in the ice cream maker.

Continue reading “Ice Cream Sandwiches where Homemade Ice Cream meets Brownie meets Roasted Soda Crackers meets Angora Ridge”

Steaks and Mistakes or This is the best Flank Steak and Chimichurri meal that I have ever made

Flank Steak with Chimichurri Sauce
Flank Steak with Chimichurri Sauce

I love steak. I am not a meat and potatoes girl.  I am a steak with yummy sauces girl.  Although I will eat potatoes when Yes!Chef! makes them (and he loves potatoes), I can do without them for the most part.  But pair up a great steak (and that includes ground up types of steak like hamburger) with a great sauce (not gravy) and some interesting veggies and I am a happy woman.

Continue reading “Steaks and Mistakes or This is the best Flank Steak and Chimichurri meal that I have ever made”