Skirt Steak and Artichokes or Let’s go to Tahoe for the weekend

We spent last weekend at one of my favorite places in the world (not that I have traveled the world over, but even if I had, I think this would still be my favorite place because this is where I grew up)…Lake Tahoe.  It was kind of spur of the moment, but the weather had been so nice and it was supposed to remain nice, so I talked Yes!Chef! into going there for a couple of days.  We are most lucky to live about one hour from Lake Tahoe and, even luckier, we are blessed to have a cabin up there that my family has owned for a very long time.

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Chicken Gyros or Where can a nice girl like me find Greek Yogurt Around here?

I generally enjoy living out in the country, however, we do live 25 minutes from the nearest town and, more importantly, major grocery store.  So, I have to plan carefully whenever I decide to coerce Yes! Chef! into cooking something for me.  My youngest son works at Safeway in Placerville, so when I drop him off for work and I have planned appropriately, I can pick up what I need.  I can’t just run into town every day because it is too expensive gas-wise and too time consuming.

What does this have to do with Chicken Gyros, I hear someone ask.  Well, I think I might have mentioned in some earlier blog posts that I have been enjoying taking a Photography for Food Bloggers course over at taught by Ron Goldman and Lara Ferroni.  (Quite the high-powered duo, I know, right?)  And this blog is my final assignment.  I must say that I’m a little apprehensive about doing this post, but I will plow ahead anyway.

Continue reading “Chicken Gyros or Where can a nice girl like me find Greek Yogurt Around here?”